The Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences: Introduction

The Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences (Master’s program) is, as a major graduate school for humanities in the Ehime region, to produce human resources equipped with highly specialized knowledge and abilities to conduct research, capable of leading local communities to find solutions to their problems.
The Graduate School consists of two major fields of study: Division of Law and Letters (DLL) and Division of Industrial Systems Management and Innovation (DISMI). The Division of Law and Letters aims to utilize education and research resources that have been developed so far by the Graduate School of Law and Letters, which is the foundational base of this school, and further to reinforce its functioning. The Division of Industrial Systems Management and Innovation aims to develop highly specialized professionals who can contribute to the sustainable development of the regional industries, who are in high demand especially in these years.
Purposes of education and research
The Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences offers educational programs featuring the two majors, namely (1) the Division of Law and Letters, which focuses on universal theories and skills, and the development of versatile ability to conduct research; and (2) the Division of Industrial Systems Management and Innovation, which emphasizes the development of practical research abilities enabling approaches to solving problems in the real world. Such organization of programs accommodates students with diverse career paths.
The Division of Law and Letters and the Division of Industrial Systems Management and Innovation have independent educational programs in terms of the targeted study areas as well as the contents and methods of education.
The Division of Law and Letters covers law & politics and humanities as its major targeted areas. It consists of two Courses: Law & Politics, and Humanities. The targeted goals are the development of general theories and skills in humanities and social sciences as well as developing versatile research abilities.
The targeted study areas of the Division of Industrial Systems Management and Innovation are economics and business management, and studies of environment and resources related to industries. Two Courses, Economics and Management and Environment and Resource Management, are offered with an aim of developing practical research abilities that allow approaches to solving problems in the real world.
1981 | April | Established Graduate School of Law and Letters, Law major |
1998 | April | Established Graduate School of Law and Letters, Comprehensive Legal Policy Major Established Graduate School of Law and Letters, Humanities Major |
2020 | April | Established Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Division of Law and Letters Established Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Division of Industrial Systems Management and Innovation |